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Welcome to the Spontz scene group homepage! Here you will find all our public releases plus tons of details and stories about us, and the demoscene.
  We're not back 2023-08-18 | merlucin
¡Here is our last demo! We are not back is the first one we release with the new demo engine programmed by xphere and the new demo editor. Grab a copy and modify it!!!

  Evoke 2024 2023-08-15 | merlucin
After more than ten years of our latest party we are attending Evoke 2024 in Köln, Germany, where we will present our last demo, that has been many years in the making, with a new demo engine and a new demo editor.

  Electroscopia 2012-10-05 | merlucin
Many years passed since our last production. Life has kept us busy, but this does not mean that we are still dead. Let's call it an active half-zombie state. Anyway, here is the last excretion of our brains: electroscopia, the 203 second endless demo. Featuring eclectic effects based in deprecated GLSL shaders, a terse soundtrack and lots of hidden content not evident for the non-initiated mortals. Stop reading this and download it now!

  080808 of the death by kosmoplovci 2012-08-18 | merlucin
This is a remix of death of the death, a demo we presented in Breakpoint 2008. PS, from tpolm, asked us for the source code for the demo because he liked it and wanted to remix it. After explaining him how the demo editor was working and with the sources in the hand, ps and dom created this variation, matching the stile of other demos like intimna masina 2 (intimate machine 2).

  Spontz demo editor 2.1 is out! 2012-07-15 | merlucin

Long time since a refresh in our demotool. Here it is! There is not only a more polished version of the tool we use to generate our demos, but also the source scripts of two the latest prods: quintessence and second coming, from the biomechanical bastards.


© 2000- by Spontz - After years we look back and recommend you to STEP OUT OF THE DEMOSCENE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE